21 Concord Gardens Apt 12 Concord New Hampshire 03301
Pricing & Floor Plans
Beds | Baths | # of Units | Average SF | Available |
1 Bed 1 Bed 1 Br | 1 Bath 1 Bath 1 Ba | 80 | 600 SF | Not Available |
2 Beds 2 Beds 2 Br | 1 Bath 1 Bath 1 Ba | 180 | 892 SF | Not Available |
3 Beds 3 Beds 3 Br | 1½ Baths 1½ Baths 1½ Ba | 40 | 1,200 SF | Not Available |
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
* Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate.
About Royal Gardens
At Royal Gardens in Concord, find a great place to live. The 16 Concord Gdns location in Concord's 03301 Zip code has much to offer its residents. Make sure you to see the current floorplan options. Here at this community, the professional leasing staff will be ready to help you find the perfect floorplan option. Stop by the leasing office to check the current floorplan availability.
Royal Gardens is an apartment located in Merrimack County, the 03301 ZIP Code, and the Concord School District attendance zone.
Community Amenities
- Laundry Facilities
- Maintenance on site
- Property Manager on Site
- 24 Hour Availability
- Trash Pickup - Curbside
- Playground
Apartment Features
High Speed Internet Access
Stainless Steel Appliances
- High Speed Internet Access
- Heating
- Smoke Free
- Storage Units
- Stainless Steel Appliances
Lease Details & Fees
Pet Policies (No Pets Allowed)
1 space, Unassigned Parking
This Property
Available Property
City - Concord
With glistening lakes, sprawling woodlands, and open farmland, Concord is the beautiful capital city of New Hampshire. The Merrimack River flows through town, paving its way through residential neighborhoods, historic districts, and bustling urban areas.
Among the hilly terrain, you'll discover Concord's Main Street district, housing various historic landmarks, cultural sites, and tourist attractions. Be sure to visit the Pierce Manse to explore the home of the country's 14th President, Franklin Pierce, along with the New Hampshire State House, Red River Theatres, and the Capitol Center for the Arts.
Travel to the heart of Concord's downtown area for exquisite shopping and dining options. From popular retailers to local shops, Concord has it all. Local restaurants like the Barley House thrive on their fresh ingredients, delicious food, friendly customers, and riverfront views.
Learn More About Concord
- Laundry Facilities
- Maintenance on site
- Property Manager on Site
- 24 Hour Availability
- Trash Pickup - Curbside
- Playground
- High Speed Internet Access
- Heating
- Smoke Free
- Storage Units
- Stainless Steel Appliances
Utilities Included
Water, Electricity, Heat, Trash Removal Included
Office Hours
Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Colleges & Universities
Royal Gardens is within 29 minutes or 18.8 miles from Southern New Hampshire University. It is also near Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and New England College.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Grades 9-12
1,594 Students
Grades PK-12
195 Students
Royal Gardens is near Manchester–Boston Regional, located 25.6 miles or 40 minutes away.
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Manchester–Boston Regional | 40 min | 25.6 mi |
Walkability Near Royal Gardens
Scores provided by
Points of Interest
Time and distance from Royal Gardens.
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Fish and Game Headquarters | 4 min | 1.1 mi |
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center | 7 min | 2.6 mi |
Susan N. McLane Audubon Center | 13 min | 5.2 mi |
Hannah Duston Memorial | 14 min | 8.9 mi |
Royal Gardens has 4 parks within 8.9 miles, including Fish and Game Headquarters, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, and Susan N. McLane Audubon Center.
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
Pease Air Force Base | 75 min | 43.3 mi |
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard | 79 min | 47.6 mi |
Royal Gardens is 43.3 miles from Pease Air Force Base, and is convenient to other military bases, including Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
Property Ratings at Royal Gardens
How Is This Rating Determined?
3.9 Blended Score
1 Renter Reviews
Share details of your own experience with this property
Don't live here
Bug infested crime den. Cops are here every day the exterminators come every week bugs never get better. DO NOT LIVE HERE I'm getting out as soon as I can
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Source: https://www.apartments.com/royal-gardens-concord-nh/n9cx8jm/
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