Bronx Brewery Slow Your Roll Session Ipa Cans
Slow Your Roll
The Bronx Brewery
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We brew this session IPA with two of our favorite hops (think mango, guava and passion fruit) and add red wheat malt to give it a crisp, tart finish. This is the beer we choose for Sunday Funday.

3.5 /5 rDev -5.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Pours a hazy pale yellow with a 1/4 inch white head, which dissipates. Moderate lacing.
Aroma of orange, lime, mango.
Taste follows nose: Orange, lime, mango.
Medium bodied, light carbonation. Dry finish.
An ok IPA but not my favorite of the style.
Jan 02, 2021

3.83 /5 rDev +3.2%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
Served in a pint glass from the can here at the Cedar Beach, NY.
Appearance: Hazy amber gold color with extra bubbles and a head rising about a notch over one finger's length off the body.
Smell: Hop aroma which dissipates quickly.
Taste: Mixed feeling but smooth pine feel. Hoppy feel.
Mouth: Medium body with full carbonation.
Overall: Descent beer especially in excruciating hot weather. Needed something light for a heavy day type of beer. Salud!
Jul 03, 2020

3.62 /5 rDev -2.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.5
A thanks to the creator of the canquest, woodychandler, for this beer. Poured from a 12 oz. can. Has a hazy, orange color with a 1/2 inch head. Smell is strong of tangerines. Taste is of grapefruit, tangerines, light malts, mild bitterness. Feels medium/full bodied in the mouth and overall is a solid beer.
Dec 21, 2019

4.06 /5 rDev +9.4%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
Happy New CANming Straight Outta The Bronx This Sunday, yo (Week 768)! I have several CANs from Bronx Brewery & I am dedicating today to him as a fellow veteran, beginning with this one. It makes The CANQuest (tm) proud to be able to do this sort of thing!
From the CAN: "Grit*Drive*Union"; "Est. 2011"; "No Nonsense Ales"; "Session India Pale Ale"; "An easy-drinking IPA with a heavy dose of tropical hops. Living and working in NYC can be fast-paced and chaotic. And while we wouldn't have it any other way, we like to hit the brakes now and then. This Session IPA is our choice for those moments when you want to slow it all down. Brewed with two of our favorite hops, this beer delivers strong tropical fruit aromas and a crisp, tart finish. The easy drinking 4.6% ABV makes this the perfect brew for when it's time to Slow Your Roll."; "Made By a Team".
It's gonna take a team of brewers to slow my roll, lemme tellya! I beCAN, as I am wont to do, by Crack!ing open the vent as I beCAN a slow, gentle Glug into the awaiting glass. I sat back in rapt fascination as it quickly formed two-plus fingers of dense, foamy, rocky, bone-white head with excellent retention. Color was an oh-so-slightly-hazy Yellow-Gold (SRM = 4 - 5). Nose was no nonsense, no CANsense, either, CANming with a blast of grapefruit citrus. Yum! Mouthfeel was medium. The taste was even better than the nose in that it beCAN with more of the intense grapefruit, but slowly gave 'way to tropical fruitiness that balanced everything out. Double yum. I have been saying for a while that: a) I miss the "traditional" west coast AIPA hops; b) I am not totally averse to the Southern Hemisphere hops, but I am tiring of fruit salad; & c) the inclusion of both types of hops is CANvantageous. This beer stands as a shining, albeit hazy, example of my point. Finish was semi-dry to dry. Very nice. YMMV.
Nov 10, 2019

3.83 /5 rDev +3.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
This is one of those beers that is more than the sum of its parts. At first I thought it was kind of boring and bland and uneventful but boy, that went down fast... Medium tropical fruit hops and spicy crystal malts jam well together despite individual mediocrity. Solid effort.
This isn't a great IPA but is a very drinkable one.
Jun 30, 2019

3.88 /5 rDev +4.6%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
On tap.
A - Crystal clear copper color with a thick layer of bright white foam.
Carmel malt, slight earthiness along with some pine and mango. Overall aroma is faint.
T - Caramel want with some tropical fruit - mango and passion fruit with a long lingering piney and citrus bite. Balanced throughout until the very end, the bitterness is prominent. Fruity up front and bitter on the back end. Somewhat resiny overall.
M - Medium body and semi-dry. Coats the mouth with a healthy layer of resiny tropical fruit
O - An easy drinker.
Mar 02, 2019

3.72 /5 rDev +0.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 3.75
Pale gold, lightly cloudy with a fizzy and foamy inch of head. Aroma is big, big, big. I get right off the bat the smell of fresh spearmint and basil, interesting. Taste is very light with touches of orange, pineapple and light hop bitterness. Mouth feel is crisp with citrus, malt and hops well balanced and leaving just a bit of residual flavor at the end. Complexity is ok, just ok, but is understandable for a session ale.
Feb 27, 2019

3.57 /5 rDev -3.8%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
A: hazy; deep gold in color 1 finger ivory head that receded to a wispy cap; nice lacing;
S: floral, with pineapple and earthiness in the background;
T: mostly floral up front, with citrus getting added in at the finish; mild bitterness at the end;
M: light to medium bodied; moderate carbonation; dry finish;
O: better balanced than most SIPAs;
Jan 21, 2019

3.71 /5rDev 0%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
L: Light carbonation. Head went fast. Light but lasting lace. Lighter yellow.
S: Slight fruity smell, nothing distinct.
F: Foamy with bitter aftertaste.
T: I like the bitter. There are traces of orange and other fruits from the hops.
O: My impression of other session beers has been decent with a "hole" in the flavor. Almost as if they left out some of their style's personality to get a "similar but low ABV" beer. This doesn't seem to have that hole. I'd have this beer again.
Sep 20, 2018

3.72 /5 rDev +0.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
Look - poured from a 12 oz can. Pale yellow in color with a one-finger head and plenty of carbonation.
Smell - intriguing smell of tropical flavors, including passion fruit and mango. Generous hoppiness that suggests this to be a promising beer.
Taste - Strong hops presence initially, with bitterness that masks the flavor of the hops. However, this is balanced out by a nice malty finish. Not what I was expecting, but turns out alright.
Feel - medium bodied with high carbonation and low ABV (a session IPA after all). It does its job well.
Overall - a flavorful and pretty strong IPA at a low ABV. A great option for hop enthusiasts that wants flavor but not too much booze.
Apr 04, 2018

3.26 /5 rDev -12.1%
look: 3 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.25
DATE: March 10, 2017... OCCASION: celebrating Will's last-second, game-winning shot in Lafayette with Captain America... GLASSWARE: Stoudts pint... pours a sallow, bubbly, light yellow/gold body, with a sudsy, swampy off-white head that settles to an appreciable quarter-inch... pineapple, grapefruit, papaya--tart passion fruit, with enough bitterness insinuated to hold up an IPA's moniker... the mouthfeel is reasonably medium-bodied, lightly oily, with a pleasant smoothness... the flavor profile is jacked on tartness; not much for balance, this one drinks easily and is flavorful enough to sustain the evening... rather monolithic in its pineapple and grapefruit... not on par with other session IPAs I have had recently, but at 4.7% ABV, one that could be a mid-afternoon drink without worries of residual... a mix twelve pack offering, and one I am glad to have had--The Bronx Brewery hasn't made one that truly sticks with me, but they have been useful...
Mar 11, 2018

3.92 /5 rDev +5.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
A: The beer is very hazy yellow in color. It poured with a finger and a half high bright white head that died down, but left a thin layer of bubbles covering the surface, a narrow collar around the edge, and some lacing down the sides of the glass.
S: Moderate aromas of citrusy hops are present in the nose along with some hints of tropical fruits.
T: The taste follows the smell, having flavors of orange citrus along with hints of mango and pine. There is a moderate amount of bitterness.
M: It feels light- to medium-bodied and crisp on the palate with a moderate amount of carbonation.
O: For a Session IPA, this beer has a nice amount of hops that provide a good amount of aromas, flavors, and bitterness. It is very drinkable.
Serving type: can
Sep 01, 2017

4.11 /5 rDev +10.8%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Not my favorite session, but still a good one. Pours a foggy gold with almost no head. The smell is subtle but wonderful cotrus. There's some wheat and hop tastes, with citrus undertones; pretty light, but compared to other sessions, not too light.
Apr 16, 2017

3.9 /5 rDev +5.1%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Pours a clear golden color with a small head. Appearance is mild-manner.
Smells of citrus and floral notes. Also quite a bit of fruit sweetness and some minor undertones of piney hops.
Taste mirrors the smell, but with the piney hops emphasized heavier. The fruitiness is still here, but is quite subtle compared to the lingering bitterness. Mouthfeel is medium in body with little carbonation.
This is not exactly my cup of beer, but it's no doubt a solid brew.
Feb 21, 2017

3.91 /5 rDev +5.4%
look: 4.25 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
12oz can, sample from the brewery.
Clear pale copper hue, love the suds on top. Some balance in the nose with some grassy resin, papaya, hemp seeds, and bready wheat. Crisp and smooth, love the mouthfeel on this one. Slightly dank hop character does not leave quick, ample bitterness for a relatively dry brew. Ample bitterness, fruity and earthy with bread crust all around. Dry semi-bitter finish.
Sometimes all it takes is a couple of new hops to make a beer unique, dig this brew a lot.
Feb 07, 2017

4.07 /5 rDev +9.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
I'm naming this the best session IPA ever, better than Carton Boat. Bronx rules.
A) Pours a very hazy, cloudy, golden-apricot body that sports a modest 1half finger head that caps and laces modestly like a pilsner.
S) The aroma is of apricot, pine, and mango, a balanced fruit, with definite floral and cranberry notes. Fall like, orchard like.
T) The taste follows the nose with all that fruit in a flower shop, pine boughs, highlighted by bright hop notes. The malt and hops play nicely as a kind of orchard apple and crandberry sauce, a fall thankgiving dish with clove and peppery spiciness, some pine, and earthiness.
F) It's medium apple sauce like body (fine for a session beer). Nice finish.
Best Session beer out today.
Nov 25, 2016

4.13 /5 rDev +11.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
The Bronx Brewery "Slow Your Roll Session India Pale Ale"
12 fl. oz. can, no freshness dating
$2.79 @ Total Wine & More, Cherry Hill, NJ
"Slow Your Roll" pours a very hazy, even cloudy, golden-orange body beneath a short lived head of big-bubbled white foam. Except for the head it looks very much like a Bavarian hefeweizen.
The aroma expresses clear peach/nectarine, pine, and mango, as well as some other tropical fruits, a waft of floral character, and perhaps a touch of berry. The hops are bright, but the malt is able to make its way through as well, bready and delicately caramelish.
That combination returns in the flavor, working exceptionally well with the malt and hops playing off of each other and yet never straying too far from the 'whole'. There's also a hint of peppery spiciness, some pine, and a subtle earthiness as well. The malt is a solid anchor with some depth and character that leaves it rounded and balanced, unlike some other IPAs/session IPAs where it's left as simply a background for the hops. A solid bitterness then pulls it all together, and although it is quite hoppy I think you could easily label this as an American pale ale, although "session IPA" is probably more marketable right now.
In the mouth it's medium to medium-light in body with a crisp, standard carbonation (which makes me wonder why it didn't develop a better head, perhaps my pour was off or I've got a dirty glass).
I'm quite impressed with "Slow Your Roll" for its unique hop character, its interesting malt component, and its overall balance.
Nov 22, 2016
Bronx Brewery Slow Your Roll Session Ipa Cans
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